I am all for it. Really I am... Except for the fact that I am really not in this category. I am more to the sidelines cheering you people on. My own Mother who has been amazing and lost 37 pounds over the past months. She really is doing wonderful and I cannot be more proud. Not to even mention that she joined a gym and is going to multiple classes throughout the week... Let's also not forget the fact that she has lymphadema. I'm pretty sure that I am her número uno fan.
But let's be real here. What I am not a fan of, is clearly this and it's going to sound judge mental but really I am hoping it is more of an open your eyes smack in the face post for anyone who may need it, even myself someday possibly.
Where do we go in our lives from feeling over weight to an all new skinny then constantly posting photographs of ourselves in bikinis? Or maybe even skimpy shorts and sports bras? I get it y'all I some days feel straight up like the busted can of crescent rolls I made tonight for dinner. Then some other days I am all like, "Heck yes, I still have it after two kids." {Lets be honest, the first rules my life generally.}
What I am trying to say is I get feeling hot. I get wanting to share my recent weight loss to the world. But do we really need to show THAT much? I have recently seen girls in towels on my Instagram, girls in barely anything on FB feeds and one girl even topless turned around. There is a difference in the art of nude photography and this y'all. It's Instagram for Pete's Sake.
Would you want your daughter(s) posting pictures like this when they get to the age of judging their bodies? I know we all hope that our children do not judge their bodies or feel self conscious but they will. It's a part of nature to want to look your best and be your best.
But a part of being a woman is lovin yourself and sharing yourself in class. Modesty is sometimes the most beautiful thing because sometimes confidence can quickly turn into cockiness.
So how about let's save those half nakeys or even full force birthday suits with your Hubby's? I'm sure they will love it more than we/I do.