Monday, January 20, 2014

While Getting Your Skinny On!

It's the new year which means that 95% of us ladies are all trying to get our skinny on. We are working out, shaking it up in the mornings with our protein drinks and doing fiber filled foods all the days long. 

I am all for it. Really I am... Except for the fact that I am really not in this category. I am more to the sidelines cheering you people on. My own Mother who has been amazing and lost 37 pounds over the past months. She really is doing wonderful and I cannot be more proud. Not to even mention that she joined a gym and is going to multiple classes throughout the week... Let's also not forget the fact that she has lymphadema. I'm pretty sure that I am her número uno fan. 

But let's be real here. What I am not a fan of, is clearly this and it's going to sound judge mental but really I am hoping it is more of an open your eyes smack in the face post for anyone who may need it, even myself someday possibly.

Where do we go in our lives from feeling over weight to an all new skinny then constantly posting photographs of ourselves in bikinis? Or maybe even skimpy shorts and sports bras? I get it y'all I some days feel straight up like the busted can of crescent rolls I made tonight for dinner. Then some other days I am all like, "Heck yes, I still have it after two kids." {Lets be honest, the first rules my life generally.} 

What I am trying to say is I get feeling hot. I get wanting to share my recent weight loss to the world. But do we really need to show THAT much? I have recently seen girls in towels on my Instagram, girls in barely anything on FB feeds and one girl even topless turned around. There is a difference in the art of nude photography and this y'all. It's Instagram for Pete's Sake.

Would you want your daughter(s) posting pictures like this when they get to the age of judging their bodies? I know we all hope that our children do not judge their bodies or feel self conscious but they will. It's a part of nature to want to look your best and be your best. 

But a part of being a woman is lovin yourself and sharing yourself in class. Modesty is sometimes the most beautiful thing because sometimes confidence can quickly turn into cockiness. 

So how about let's save those half nakeys or even full force birthday suits with your Hubby's? I'm sure they will love it more than we/I do. 

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Bull Riding & Mutton Bustin'

A few weekends ago we traveled to Bardstown, Kentucky with a couple of our friends and kids in tote. There is this little whole in the earth arena where hold bull riding events every Saturday. 

Yes, of course my kids and Husband were in Heaven. 

Charli was pumped up all day because we told her that she could ride a sheep, "mutton bustin'!" She even watched videos on YouTube because she was destined to win the trophy. 

Poor Bryar held on like a champ with Daddy trying to be in arms reach the entire time. Then someone stupidly (yes, I said it) slapped the sheep and made him take off in a run. Thankfuly, Curtis stayed close by and it made for the funniest picture. 

Charli had a totally different experience and learned what happens when your animal does not cooperate.

As you can see her sheep stood still the entire time. Poor girl wanted that trophy and would of won if she had an active one. 

After the kids rode the sheep, chased chickens and little pigs Bryar just knew it was time for him to ride a bull. I spent the night wrangling him and trying to explain why he could not get on. 

After it was over we hit up a mcdonalds and headed back home. Was it worth the 2 1/2 hour drive? The kids believe so.. 

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Sew Much Fun!

In the past few days, Charli and I have been sewing more and more. As we all know practice makes perfect and we shall be hitting pro-level at any moment now.... Totally kidding

Even though we have been having a lot of fun together and making wonderful memories, I can already see the amount of money we may spend in fabric. Yesterday, like most other states we were frigid cold. Charli's school has been canceled the last two days so we stayed in our pjs all day and played.

We made a baby sling to fit her and of course she had to add in an animal rather than a baby. 

We also made an infinity scarf to fit her. 

It is a little bit loose but perfect for a "first." Not to mention, how easy these are! I will for sure be making more! 

I have also been practicing making bibs. I have a pattern to use but I just really have to improve on my techniques. These types of bibs were my favorite for Bryar Wayne. 

Charli also made pillows with design stitches to go with her American Girl dolls and blankets.

I truly believe that these are such precious moments for her and I. I am SO glad that I took the plunge and asked for this for Christmas. I cannot wait to see what else we come up with! 

Story of Mommy

My photo
I am a sinner saved by the grace of God. A wife to the 5oh, and Mother to Charli Beth and Bryar. This is my story of Motherhood, life experiences and sometimes even my overwhelming heart all typed out. I believe in second chances, yet the firm hand of parenting. That sweet tea is of the comfort food category. Chickens belong in every backyard. Children should each have a responsibility of their own while helping take care of duties in the home. Sports are a must for our family, and we spend many nights on courts or fields. We consistently feel new to each of the experiences that are brought into our lives. But we are always excited for the journey in which God has given us.

Email Me!

--If you have any questions or just want to chat, feel free to email me! @ --


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