Okay, the pictures above are from the mountains when Charli Beth was "fixing my hair." Which I am sure that you can she what she is trying to do. Besides rip my noggin' off! haha. Love her heart. She loves exploring new things. She loves to sing and dance most of all. I wonder some days what she will grow up and be. Most of the time it's a singer or something to the sort, she loves the have her 5 mins of fame ALL THE TIME. At other times she loves taking pictures or acting as if she is. She stands like "heather" the lady that does our pictures and says say CHEEEEZZZEE! Charli loves playing mommy and taking care of her babies (which she now uses mom and I for). She'll be a great big sister someday?! haha. She also loves to get dirty and play with the tractors. She is so much like myself whenever I was a little girl. Such a little princess but then a little farmer girl too. I hope she countinues being this way and opening herself and her imagination up to new things! I just love this little girl to death. We watched the DVD of her first year today ( like 3 times) and i cried every single time. She has grew up incredibly fast, and is such a lovely young lady! I am so very blessed to have her in my life.