From Sunday night until last night
Charli Beth has been attending vacation bible school at Clifton General Baptist! This is a very small church completely out in the middle of nowhere and they had 28 kiddos, which I think is amazing!
Charli has always had a blast at the different bible schools she has attended but this one is very special being that she has been all three years and they have watched not only myself but her grow up too! Since I have left this church it's always been a bit "odd" to go back and visit but thankfully there are always a certain few that makes us feel
at home again.
Each night during their praise services they would say "God is powerful," "God is with us," "God gives us life" and the kids would yell "FEAR NOT" (well
Charli says "ear not" but hey she got the point!) This was super cute, and something that has already stuck with her anytime we say the Lord's name to her!
The posters are from
Charli's classroom to remind them of the "FEAR NOT" slogan! One of the nights the children colored pictures to send to the
solders over seas. They had their picture made all together so that it can be printed and turned into the newspaper! What a great blessing this will be to the ones that
receive this. I think it would be a great idea to send this picture along with them, so they can see our Kentucky cuties =)
For the last night of
Charli Beth's class made
fingerprint backpacks and t-shirts! This was a lot of work for 2 & 3 year
old but oh so much fun!
Sorry that I took this picture sideways or upside down!
Lol, I'm not sure what I was doing!
Have I mentioned lately that I feel so very sorry for Char that she doesn't have a creative Momma? I tried though!
Sometimes I truly think she isn't mine!! Seriously. The girl screams, cries and shakes all over at bugs or anything to the sort and cannot stand to have her hands dirty!
Ahh, what have I got myself into!!
I am one very blessed Momma to have an amazing little girl that is already so into learning about Christ and how he gave his life for us! Thank goodness for the
great family that I have too, Char an I would both be in such a bind w/ our lives if it wasn't for them! I can't forget the teachers and all that volunteered this past week too. They spent so much time and effort into this bible school for these children, and it turned out perfect. I'm very grateful for them also, they are all so great with these kiddos and do so many different things for them!
Charli Beth will never forget her bible school days and she wouldn't have had the opportunity to go if it wasn't for Nana and Pa. {
Thank you all so very much! I'm sure I can never explain how wonderful it is to have you all here to help and teach
SUCH cute pictures! we did this vbs too! and one of the little boys couldn't say "fear not" either... but instead he always said "beer not" it was pretty funny! :)
My three year old goddaughter is attending Bible camp this week and loves it! It melts my heart everytime she says "Jesus loves me". Great pictures!
Clifton isn't out in the middle oF nowhere. haha
Hunter and I both hate for our hands to be dirty. Hunter likes to play in the dirt but he wants his hands wiped off every few minutes.
Lol, for a lot of people it is! I don't really think so but that is the term that I hear from people that talk about why they don't go. Sorry excuses =) haha!
That is a sorry excuse. I guess since I can see it from my backporch I don't understand:)
Have a good weekend
Paige, I wanted to thank you for sharing your story on my comments today. I needed to hear that sort of thing and I truly appreciate the support and prayers all of you girls give. So thank you.
Also Charlie's little vacation bible school class picture is just adorable. What nice projects and great things for her to be doing. I can't wait for my little Cooper to be making special things for troops that say things like "God is with us" So sweet. Makes me want to cry. Which is very common for me today but this is for a good reason.
Have a wonderful weekend.
Awe! I used to love going to VBS during the summers when I was growing up. The pictures of Charli and her class are all adorable. That was such a neat idea to write to the soldiers.
And... that shirt turned out very cute!
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