Ring around the Rosie, pocket full of posies, ashes ashes...

Pass the pumpkin!

The 3 little wild girls of the party; Ellie, Charli and Kaylen

Brody as Nemo - His costume was a
huge hit, since it's little tail would wiggle as he walked!

Charli Beth cheated! JK! She did get the nose at the right place!

Kelly Jo, Char, and Renick!


Pumpkin decorating

Don't you love how she knew the pumpkin needed a bow? {it was suppose to be a bow-tie} Oh and the dots are freckles?

Jonathan & Levi (Lilee's big brother)

Renee & Kyra

Channa & Renick picking out their pumpkins

My Wicked Witch Momma!

Now you guys can just get ready for my picture overload of Halloween night! lol. But there may not be very many since I seen the temperature for Saturday is suppose to only be 46! What? That is horrible news for all our ghost and goblins. Hopefully that temp will go way up before then!
UPDATE: Temperature for Saturday is now 65, woohoo!!