I am joining in on the MTV idea of "If you really knew me." I have watched this show on a few different occasions, although for the most part I try to stay away from most of the MTV shows. This show kind of breaks my heart for some of these teenagers that feel so lost in the high school world that they are in.
Cliques are such a horrible part of high school, I am sure that I can get an amen out of that! I am thankful that our class did not have a horrible time with them, everyone spoke to everyone.
Since I hardly ever write about my fabulous self on my blog I figured that I would
copy borrow everyone's idea and share somethings that you may or may not know.
If you really knew me, you would know that...*I constantly think that people are possibly talking about me. I always have. I truly believe it's because I am self conscious on so many levels.
*I want nothing more than to just be the happiest of happy - stress free is defiantly for me.
*Whenever I was 5 my Mother married a man that turned abusive several years later. I hate him with a passion for hurting us. But thankful God lead her to my Dad now.
*I work 3rd and 2nd shift each week. It is such a struggle to keep up and I complain about my job daily.
*I do not know my real Father and am thankful that I do not.
*I want more children and get baby fever, way to often than I should.
*I play softball until I was 17 and then played volleyball my Senior year of high school. How I wished those days away, but miss them so much now.
*I do not have many friends. I can count about three off the top of my head and two of them are my Mother and Sister. I can never figure out why it is so hard for me to make friends.
*I am in
*If it looks like I am some hilly billy crack head in a picture with two missing teeth, I promise I'm not, I have two baby teeth.
*He picked drugs over my daughter and me, which is totally
okay, because I
have found love.
*I cannot vomit (tmi, i know) it is not "physically" possible for me.
*I have several scars from surgery while an infant, dog bite, stitches, road rash.
*I build up walls to protect my heart because I do not ever want to go through that kind of pain again.
*Going to college is not only for stability and more money in the future but because I need to feel accomplishment in my life.
*I am
horrible with pets, but I love having them!
*Sarcasm is my second language.
*I lost a best friend 5 years ago, which was also 5 days after CB was born. I am helping with her sisters wedding next weekend, and I pray that I am able to make it through it without breaking down.
*If you would have known me as a child, you would know that I am not scared of snakes. I scared my Mom half to death by putting a baby copperhead in our kitchen trash, because I didn't want my pups to get into it.
*I almost delivered a preterm baby that it's Mother had done meth the day before and didn't "know" she was pregnant. It was the scariest yet most exciting moments. I see her every so often and she cannot look me in the eyes.
*I listen to country music only. Rap music gives me a headache now, is this a sign of getting old?
*I blame myself for a man that drown in our county during the May 2010 floods, because we didn't have enough units to get to him.
*I am a 911 dispatcher and a EMT although I still feel like I have not helped anyone.
*My birthday is on September 11 & the number 11 freaks me out.
*I had my nose pierced two days before I turned 18 with my dorm roommate. I tragically lost mine while getting my epidural.
*I named my daughter after my Pappaw even though I have very few memories of him.
*A boyfriend of mine in high school got in a fight with my "hick" friends as people call them around here and his parents forbid him to see me. I went to his Dad's work the next day and showed by butt by trying to ask for forgiveness and let him know it was not anything that I did. They still hate me today, but I secretly think it's funny because that boy deserved a black eye ;o)
*My family grew tobacco whenever I was growing up and I actually miss it. I want to live on a farm so bad I cannot stand it. I long to be a farmer's wife.
*Bubble gum freaks me out. I secretly want to throw up when Charli looks under the table and tells me how many pieces of chewed up gum are under it. YUCK!
*My first high school boyfriend was whenever I was freshman and he was senior. I thought I (insert throw up here)
loved him. He ended up dating my best friend right after me, oh and then he married her once she graduated. It was awkward and caused me a little to much drama throughout my high school years.
There you go now you know a little bit more about yours truly. I would love to know more about some of you all!