This weekend the kids and I went to a local pumpkin patch to meet up with Charli Beth's summer softball team. It had been a while since we saw these families but it was truly great to be around the ones we had a great season with. (Even if one Mom did go a little nutty on other kids...another post for another day)
Charli had visited this pumpkin patch the same week with her class field trip! So when we arrived she knew exactly where the animals and fun slide were! Bryar absolutely adored the goats. I am pretty sure that most of our time was spent standing next to them.
The girls played hard and roasted hotdogs for dinner. We ended up leaving the "reunion" early to come home and carve pumpkins with Daddy.
I still have not decided if we will move Charli up in age divisions next Summer to keep her with this team. It truly is a tough choice but either way we hope to see them soon!
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
Bryar's 1 Year Appt.
Recently, Bryar and I went to his 1 year old well check up and shots. I had made my guesses for his weight and height but I was off by just a little.
18 lbs
29 1/2 inches
I was worried about his Doctor not being happy with his size., but she was actually extremely pleased at all wonderfully he was progressing! He showed her all of his "tricks" and gave her a kiss, in which she thought was super sweet.
The entire time that her and I were having conversations about his challenges and accomplishments, he was smacking me in the face. Yea, perfect timing for my wild little Indian to show off. But it did make it a good time for me to tell her that we are working on our listening skills, which are practically nonexistent right now. ( I know it is to be expected at this age.)
She did tell me that she would like for him to continue on formula for the next 2-3 months to help with his calorie intake. I obviously was ready to be rid of the costly similiac but I will follow her advise and gradually decrease it in the time to come.
B still only has his bottom front teeth right now, but after an observation she told that I was indeed correct and his side "fang" teeth will be coming in next. With his
I did also talk to Dr. Simmons about the MMR shot before getting it. I had my concerns just as many other parents do, but after talking over the options as well as the pros/cons I made the decision to go ahead with it. I am not the typical delayed shots parenting style, but my concerns were greater this time do to all of the research that has come out in the years since Charli Beth. Altogether, Bryar received 4 shots that day! (insert huge sad face now) Of course he hates the shots, but most of all he hates being held down. It makes him more mad than anything else. He does have a bruise from one but hopefully it will heal quickly.
After he received his shots, I cuddled him for a few minutes then we quickly left to go have our own pity party for him. We celebrated being a big boy at no other than Dairy Queen for breakfast. I figured after that many shots, the little bud deserved a treat so biscuit, gravy and eggs it was! By the time, we left he was in a food coma and had a big nap until time for sister's school party!

Monday, October 29, 2012
Fall Harvest Party & Field Trip
The past week of school was a complete blast for Charli Beth. I remember having weeks like hers and just being on cloud 9 because I was having a field trip, school party, or someone was going to have lunch with me. For Char, she had a field trip and her Fall Harvest party within days of one another. Can you see the excitement in her sweet little face in the photo above? Of course, she was wearing her pumpkin outfit to attend the trip to Just Piddlin' Farms with her first grade class.
Charli's teacher Mrs. Graves asked me to head up the Fall Harvest party by sending out a letter to parents asking anyone to bring in snacks, drinks, treat bags and/or a donation of money. I proivded the craft and the game. Thanks to pinterest and the formula cans I had been
Lets just go ahead and state the simple fact, that I am not creative, at all. So thankfully the local Mighty Dollar had stickers and cupcake wrappers that I was able to cut around to use. I also had to become a tiny bit creative for my Mummy can, in which Curtis thought was hilarious looking. But I was proud of my effort, even if it was tissue paper.
The point of the game was to fill each can with "prizes" and let the kids roll a small pumpkin into the cans. Whichever cans they knocked down were the prizes they were able to keep. (Keep in mind, I gave lots of extra treats with their loot bags.) Some kids loved the game and belly laughed about knocking down the cans, to some wanting to kick my pumpkin (aw naw!) but over all Charli says, "IT WAS AWESOME!!!"
Between the game and the craft the students had a snack of a cupcake, fruit, chips and a caprisun. Although, some were not able to atttend, this was a huge help from the parents in the biggest way. It is such a nice gesture to help out with a party in some way even if you are not able to attend. I tried to send out thank you notes to everyone that sent in donations of money, since I would not be able to thank them in person.
This is my example for the Bat Craft that I purchased off Oriental Trading Co. it said that their age group would be perfect for the craft. Soon after starting the project I sadly realized that I should of picked something more simple. The kids did a fabulous job with their projects and some added their own touches by only making their bat have one eye.
Even though the party was very rushed, I was thankful to be able to spend extra time with Charli Beth and be apart of her class for a little while. Her teacher is quite amazing this year and I am thankful Charli was picked for her room. I cannot wait to see what other fun things they do this year!!

Thursday, October 25, 2012
Who did this girl come from?
Wednesday night we had our Parent Teacher Conference with Charli Beth's teacher. Mrs. Graves is super sweet and adorable, yet she means business as well. She is exactly what CB needs this year to give her the push that she needs. Charli is doing wonderful in class, and progressing. Although, as most little ones at this age she needs help with her writing techniques and to learn to read more fluently. Her math skills are so wonderful to me. I am awful at math and for her it comes natural. I am so proud of the note that her teacher wrote saying how sweet Charli is to others and that she is a precious girl. That my friends, makes Momma proud!
Mrs. Graves has all of her students to make folders, to write a letter to their parents about their year so far and she gave us all sweet photos from their recent field trip! The letter was absolutely precious. It stated what they like about their year so far and what they do not like. This is where it got me and where I once again started wondering how this Girly is mine, "Dear Parents,
This is what I like about my first grade year. I really like homework (no she does not!) and math. What I do not like is recess, because I do not getting sweaty. First grade rocks!
Charli "
Getting sweaty?! Are you kidding me! That is what comes to mind for her when she thinks about not liking school. I died. Right there when her teacher read the letter out loud. This is the girl that longs so badly to be a cowgirl, yet she doesn't want to sweat! Haha! I am dying over how Girly she is. Where did she come from and how is she mine?
I swear this weekend I am going to take her outside to shoot a shotgun and roll around in the dirt. Geez!
Mrs. Graves has all of her students to make folders, to write a letter to their parents about their year so far and she gave us all sweet photos from their recent field trip! The letter was absolutely precious. It stated what they like about their year so far and what they do not like. This is where it got me and where I once again started wondering how this Girly is mine, "Dear Parents,
This is what I like about my first grade year. I really like homework (no she does not!) and math. What I do not like is recess, because I do not getting sweaty. First grade rocks!
Charli "
Getting sweaty?! Are you kidding me! That is what comes to mind for her when she thinks about not liking school. I died. Right there when her teacher read the letter out loud. This is the girl that longs so badly to be a cowgirl, yet she doesn't want to sweat! Haha! I am dying over how Girly she is. Where did she come from and how is she mine?
I swear this weekend I am going to take her outside to shoot a shotgun and roll around in the dirt. Geez!

1 Year Post NICU
Today marks the one year anniversary since we were blessed enough to bring Bryar home from the NICU after 20 days. This is not only an anniversary from the NICU but also the day that he first met his big sister in person for the first time. I will never forget her holding him in her little arms with her eyes filling up with tears at the love that she had for her baby brother. That very moment was probably the sweetest and most proud of my life. The love that she has for him, has not changed.
I remember being so on edge the day that we were in hopes to bring him home. He had to pass a carseat test, along with several other check off lists, but thankfully he had grown strong enough that it was not an issue. I had to wait at the hospital for Curtis to pick up Charli from school, and I got Bryar dressed in his huge monogrammed gown, booties and hat. I took a thousand photos of him, then just sat rocking him with big Mommy tears thinking about all of these things our son had accomplished since being born.
Bringing Bryar Wayne home after those several days was such a relief and blessing. I was nervous about being a Mommy of two, and being a family of four but I know that God picked the perfect baby to be apart of our family. This baby may still not sleep but he has the perfect little sense of humor and personality that fits right into us!
I remember being so on edge the day that we were in hopes to bring him home. He had to pass a carseat test, along with several other check off lists, but thankfully he had grown strong enough that it was not an issue. I had to wait at the hospital for Curtis to pick up Charli from school, and I got Bryar dressed in his huge monogrammed gown, booties and hat. I took a thousand photos of him, then just sat rocking him with big Mommy tears thinking about all of these things our son had accomplished since being born.
Bringing Bryar Wayne home after those several days was such a relief and blessing. I was nervous about being a Mommy of two, and being a family of four but I know that God picked the perfect baby to be apart of our family. This baby may still not sleep but he has the perfect little sense of humor and personality that fits right into us!

Wednesday, October 24, 2012
The Simple Life
It seems that so many people that I know like to live life more expensively, or like thaeir share of worldly items. I like these things as well. I like for my kids to wear nice clothes, to have amazing parties, to wear fancy big bows, and for us to just be happy.
But one thing that I have learned over time is that these things cannot buy happiness. The awesome parties, may not always be there but the love will. Yesterday, the family and I went for a walk on the farm after all of my kids left and it was such a special reminder of how I long for the simple life.
I have been kind of homesick or just wanting my "own" sick lately and this helped put it all in perspective. We may be saving money and it may take a lot longer for us to get the new cars, new clothes or new home than we expected but we are together. We are such a simple family and hope to always be, but my heart glows even more when we have special family moments.
God has lead me into a family that is more than I could ever imagine. I am so thankful for this and should hang my head for all of my envious actions that I show at times, because truth is life cannot get any better than this!
But one thing that I have learned over time is that these things cannot buy happiness. The awesome parties, may not always be there but the love will. Yesterday, the family and I went for a walk on the farm after all of my kids left and it was such a special reminder of how I long for the simple life.
I have been kind of homesick or just wanting my "own" sick lately and this helped put it all in perspective. We may be saving money and it may take a lot longer for us to get the new cars, new clothes or new home than we expected but we are together. We are such a simple family and hope to always be, but my heart glows even more when we have special family moments.
God has lead me into a family that is more than I could ever imagine. I am so thankful for this and should hang my head for all of my envious actions that I show at times, because truth is life cannot get any better than this!

Monday, October 22, 2012
Crossing Festival
This weekend the kids, my Mom and I attended the Crossing Festival in Glendale, Kentucky. If you have ever been to Glendale and know the size of the area you would truly be amazed at how many people they are able to fit in this tiny city. As we walked over the train tracks, we stopped our steps and just laughed at the crows and crowds of people that had come out.

When we left home early that morning, we had the intentions of it being a pretty and warm day. Boy, were we wrong. By the time we arrived in Glendale, it was freezing due to the wind and looked almost as if it was going to rain. Thankfully, I had enough items to bundle up the kiddos but purchased Charli a hat just to help her stay warm.
We were able to find so many goodies while we made our way through the crowds. My Mom purchased a ring, necklace and a watch that is made out of old type writer keys. I ordered Bryar a wooden puzzle that has his name and dinosaurs for a Christmas present. Bryar also got some great toddler bibs and Charli hairbows that were great prices!
Charli and Bryar were such great little troopers during this event. We all may have snuggled a whole lot and pushed Charli in the stroller to get around people quicker but they were all around great. I did get asked three times that day if Bryar was a girl... really? That is never cool, especially since he had on dinosaur shoes.
We did get to go for lunch at one of my favorite resturants called The Whistle Stop. We honestly had to wait in a line for 45 minutes, while a lady stood at the door with it locked. They were super serious about letting people in and out that day to keep crowd control down. Even though the lady was elderly, she was super intimidating to most.
But I thought I was going to sadly loose my ever loving mind when our waitress told us that they were out of banana pie. Ah! The world could have ended in that very moment and I would not have known. Bless my food loving heart, that pie is my favorite and the last two times we have made the trip there they have been out. But thankfully, their open faced roast beef made up for it.
When we left home early that morning, we had the intentions of it being a pretty and warm day. Boy, were we wrong. By the time we arrived in Glendale, it was freezing due to the wind and looked almost as if it was going to rain. Thankfully, I had enough items to bundle up the kiddos but purchased Charli a hat just to help her stay warm.
We stopped in a town north of us to have breakfast at cracker barrel. If you know me, I love good country cooking and cracker barrel never fails me. But sadly, my past two experiences there have not been so pleasant. The first time my waiter was terribly rude to the kids and I. He ended up walking out after taking our order. This time I was just not a ran of their apple strusel french toast like I was last year. You win some and loose some though, right?
We were able to find so many goodies while we made our way through the crowds. My Mom purchased a ring, necklace and a watch that is made out of old type writer keys. I ordered Bryar a wooden puzzle that has his name and dinosaurs for a Christmas present. Bryar also got some great toddler bibs and Charli hairbows that were great prices!
Charli and Bryar were such great little troopers during this event. We all may have snuggled a whole lot
We did get to go for lunch at one of my favorite resturants called The Whistle Stop. We honestly had to wait in a line for 45 minutes, while a lady stood at the door with it locked. They were super serious about letting people in and out that day to keep crowd control down. Even though the lady was elderly, she was super intimidating to most.
But I thought I was going to sadly loose my ever loving mind when our waitress told us that they were out of banana pie. Ah! The world could have ended in that very moment and I would not have known. Bless my food loving heart, that pie is my favorite and the last two times we have made the trip there they have been out. But thankfully, their open faced roast beef made up for it.
Hopefully, next year it will be prettier but for this year it was the perfect trip and day to spend with Nana!

Friday, October 19, 2012
Giving Credit Where Credit Is Due.
Lets just say that I am a terrible Wife, like the type that fusses a whole lot and throws little fits because I never get to sleep in or go off with my friends. I will admit to it, and it is an ugly fault that I hold. But I do not keep it a secret, if I am mad at my Husband the whole world is probably going to see it. Not because I air out our dirty laundry, only due to the fact that I sadly wear my heart on my sleeve. I always have, and it seems to be a thing that runs in my family so I probably always will - Sorry babe, there just isn't any hope for me.
But no matter how mad I get at my hot headed, talks to his best buddy before he goes to sleep, cannot seem to put his uniforms up Husband, I love him. He makes me laugh when I am mad, and that makes me even more furious - stupid I know, but let a girl be mad. When I am laying in bedtweeing pouting about how I wish I could sleep, and I hear him on the phone laughing, I cannot help but to giggle too.
I never feel like I give Curtis the credit that he very much so deserves. I am more proud of this man today, than I ever dreamed of being. His accomplishments at work and with our family are outstanding.
I may not be the wife that I wish that I was some days but there is never a day that goes by that I am not thankful that God Gave Me You. I am blessed to have you as my husband, my best friend and my support system.
My husband does not randomly take photos giving a thumbs up. This picture was taken for "Thumbs up for Lane" to support a little boy from Kentucky who had cancer. That precious boy passed away at the beginning of this week.
But no matter how mad I get at my hot headed, talks to his best buddy before he goes to sleep, cannot seem to put his uniforms up Husband, I love him. He makes me laugh when I am mad, and that makes me even more furious - stupid I know, but let a girl be mad. When I am laying in bed
I never feel like I give Curtis the credit that he very much so deserves. I am more proud of this man today, than I ever dreamed of being. His accomplishments at work and with our family are outstanding.
The love that he has for Gunner and the kids, makes me swoon.
I cannot lie, watching him play with the babies makes my heart skip a beat.
I may not be the wife that I wish that I was some days but there is never a day that goes by that I am not thankful that God Gave Me You. I am blessed to have you as my husband, my best friend and my support system.
You are truly more than I deserve and I am thankful that you picked me to fuss at you for the rest of your life ;)

Thursday, October 18, 2012
Some people say that home is where you make it, but I am also a firm believer that home will always be where you came from. Whether it is the home you grew up in for so many years, or the home church that you attended on Sunday mornings. Home is home, and there is no other comfort like it.
It does not matter if you are 5 miles away or 30 minutes down the road, it just feels good to go back. Even if you are being contradicting since it is the place that you wanted to run away and never look back from. It is a sense of well being, knowing that you are walking into a place where arms will be wide open with love for you.
The feeling that I get as a I drive into my hometown is one that cannot be described. One that ultimately cannot be understood by anyone until they leave their town, or their home for that matter. I know my Husband and I absolutely adore going to his parents each Sunday to continue their tradition of Sunday dinner after church, and they live next door. It is a sense of knowing what he is going in to, his comfort zone, his family, the people that love him no matter how many gross things he did as a child.
It may seem crazy at the fact that I feel so strongly about my home, when I am only 30 miles away. But when you are a Mom of two busy little ones, and caretaker most days of four others, with a house that never stays cleaned sometimes life just gets in the way. But should it? Absolutely not.
I want Charli to continue to remember where she came from as well. I want Bryar to know where Mommy spent her years growing, soul searching and becoming the Mom I am today. I want to make memories with my own childern there. It is a must that I make more time in going home for not only myself but for my family as well.
I am also hosting a pampered chef party for my friend Amanda. Some of you may remember me asking for prayers for Amanda's daughter Addison when she was recently diagnosed with 3 tumors on her brain. Addison has been through a lot of challenges since I started my first party with Amanda - which we soon abandoned but are now trying to help her get back into her routine of hosting online parties. If you or someone you know would like to help her in this business adventure please go to the following website:
Be sure to type in Paige Hargett for this party.
It does not matter if you are 5 miles away or 30 minutes down the road, it just feels good to go back. Even if you are being contradicting since it is the place that you wanted to run away and never look back from. It is a sense of well being, knowing that you are walking into a place where arms will be wide open with love for you.
The feeling that I get as a I drive into my hometown is one that cannot be described. One that ultimately cannot be understood by anyone until they leave their town, or their home for that matter. I know my Husband and I absolutely adore going to his parents each Sunday to continue their tradition of Sunday dinner after church, and they live next door. It is a sense of knowing what he is going in to, his comfort zone, his family, the people that love him no matter how many gross things he did as a child.
It may seem crazy at the fact that I feel so strongly about my home, when I am only 30 miles away. But when you are a Mom of two busy little ones, and caretaker most days of four others, with a house that never stays cleaned sometimes life just gets in the way. But should it? Absolutely not.
I want Charli to continue to remember where she came from as well. I want Bryar to know where Mommy spent her years growing, soul searching and becoming the Mom I am today. I want to make memories with my own childern there. It is a must that I make more time in going home for not only myself but for my family as well.
I am also hosting a pampered chef party for my friend Amanda. Some of you may remember me asking for prayers for Amanda's daughter Addison when she was recently diagnosed with 3 tumors on her brain. Addison has been through a lot of challenges since I started my first party with Amanda - which we soon abandoned but are now trying to help her get back into her routine of hosting online parties. If you or someone you know would like to help her in this business adventure please go to the following website:
Be sure to type in Paige Hargett for this party.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012
Fall Ball
The girl did great this season, her hitting and catching was a major improvement from the season before. We could have not been more pleased in her hard work and accomplishments!
She did get to be the catcher for most of the games, and we were able to teach her many fundamentals that will stick around the entire time that plays. Being catcher can be an intimidating position for a six year old, especially a little six year old like Charli Beth is, but she absolutely loves it!
She was the first to go and ask the coach if she could play the position. Since they never practiced with a catcher during practices, she had a lot of catching up to do once games started.
Charli may not want to play softball in the years to come. Ballet or cheer leading may be her thing but in whatever she decides to do I hope that she works as hard and stays as determined as she was this season. She made me so very proud watching her play a game that she has grown to love!

Monday, October 15, 2012
Celebrating Fall
This weekend the kids and I went out with my parents to celebrate Fall at a few local festivals and a craft show. The first festival that we made our way to was at a country store in a local community named Boyce. Curtis and I visited the store last Summer before Bryar was born, and I just loved it. It now has new owners and they are doing such a GREAT job in making this store something like a dream for a country community.
We had breakfast along with my parents (hence my Dad in the back of our picture) and although I was not sure that Bryar was every going to stop eating buscuit and gravy, we eventually made our way out. We took a long hayride - way long and thankfully we ran into another blogger and her sweet son there that made the trip a lot more comfortable. (Hi Erin!)
After we left Boyce, we headed to "Arts in Park" althouh we didn't stay long. We eventually headed to another gathering which was a long haul but pretty worth it.
Charli got to shuck corn the old fashion way, see how apple cider was made in the "old days" and was able to watch a horse work too. Which we all know is Charli's favorite animal!
I honestly believe that the picture above is one of the most sweet pictures every captured of Charli. The pure joy in her face of picking out her pumpkin is what Fall is all about!
Bryar loved playing with the pumpkins too! Sadly, he kept thinking that they were huge balls and tried rolling them around. But our little peanut is just a tad to small for that!
It was a chilly and very windy day in Kentucky, especially for us to be out at festivals but I absolutely adore Fall and all that comes along with it! So therefore, we made the best of the weather and had a great day with Nana and Pa!
This coming weekend, we already have another big fall happeneing to attend in Glendale at the Crossings Festival. Have you ever been? If so, what is your favorite part about Glendale? I am so excited to return to this small yet adoable town!

Friday, October 12, 2012
Slow Cooker Mushroom Pork Chops w/ Rice
Today I am linking up one of my new favorite easy meals on Kelly's Korner. There is nothing in the world better than a great meal that is easy in which all of the work is practically taken care of by the crock pot.
I recently fixed this meal for both of our families for Bryar's birthday dinner. It was a huge hit for even the little ones.
I recently fixed this meal for both of our families for Bryar's birthday dinner. It was a huge hit for even the little ones.
Mushroom Pork Chops with Rice
1 1/2 lbs boneless pork chops (thick cut)
1 envelope onion soup mix (I use whatever is cheapest)
1 large can cream of mushroom (or two small cans - you may also want to use low sodium)
1 - 1 1/2 cup chicken broth
Mix all ingredients in crock pot then add pork chops
Cook on low for 6 hours
I then cook a box of Rice A Roni - Long Grain Wild Rice, with the exception of using chicken broth instead of water. This box of rice is only $1.00 yet SO good!
I like to pour the gravy pork chop mixture ontop of my rice and serve with veggies!
Happy Crocking y'all :)

Thursday, October 11, 2012
Charli Beth's Adoption Day!
Our family has had huge news to share with our readers for about two weeks now, but I have been holding out so I could share photos of our special day.
Before Curtis and I married last year we talked about our life with Charli and how our parenting would continue once we did all become "a family." We had made the decision for Curtis to adopt her as his own, before our wedding was held. I knew that he was the love of my life, my best friend, and there was no other person in the world that I would trust her life with as a Father other than him - no matter what.
Even though this day took longer than we wanted and actually did not change anything other than a last name, it was day that was more special to my heart than anything else. I know in the years to come Charli will be more grateful than words can express to Curtis; just as I am with the love that my Daddy gives to me on a daily basis.
When I tried to explain the process of adoption to Charli, she was completely baffled by the entire process. I tried to using the words or "official" and "Daddy will now be your Daddy Daddy, and nothing can ever change that" while asking her if she remembered it being just her and I before Daddy and I married. Her reply, simply took my breath away "But Mommy, he already is my Daddy Daddy. I am excited that I get the same last name as everyone. But Daddy is my Daddy."
Melt my heart baby girl, because there are no truer words than that very statement.
I know in years to come, this will all make perfect sense to Charli Beth, but for now until it is time to explain how our family came to where we are now, I am just so proud that her initials are now CBH!

Tuesday, October 9, 2012
Bryar's Barnyard Birthday Bash
Bryar's birthday party was held on Sunday afternoon with our closest family and friends in attendance. We were a little scared the week before that it was going to be to chilly or rainy to be held outside in the barnyard behind our home, but thankfully the Fall day turned out to be absolutely perfect and the party was a huge hit for baby Bryar too!
As always my Mother and MIL were an absolute blessing during this party. I had a difficult time picking our party theme because I knew that Cowboys were completely out of the question. I feel as if our family has wore out them Cowboy/Cowgirl themes lately. So I started thinking that I should look around on Facebook at any recent parties and see if someone may have extra supplies. (Smart idea, if I must say so myself!) And thankfully, I saw that the sweetest girl had a farm animal party which just so happened to be one of my "final options" for his party. She had extra supplies and decor left over from her son's first birthday and was willing to let me buy it! This is the best way to budget for a party or to sale your left over supplies for extra cash when it is over! There is a website called "my party is over" where people do this. Although, in the past I have had best luck with my facebook account or blog sales.
The caramel apple bar was one of my most favorite things to have at the party! I was so excited for this and am glad that it was such a hit. Especially for my Husband who thought it was complete nonsense. The picture of him with caramel all over his face is priceless :) For topping we had sprinkles, peanuts, chocolate chips, and m&ms. Yum! I also sat out apple core cutters in case kiddo just wanted to have it as a dip,
The party favors were purchased from Mighty Dollar and we also used items from a previous party to cut down on expenses! The buckets and books did come from Mighty Dollar and after lots of searching I found the piggy books there for the smaller kids, in which I just included apple sauce! I always worry about giving the babies to big of items for them to get use of out of.
The center pieces were SO easy to take care of - the cloth was from some Muslin that my MIL had, and tractors were toys from when my Husband was a child. The hay bales were purchased from Hobby Lobby on sale!
We tried to do a couple of family photos throughout the day but mainly they ended up with Bryar trying to pull Charli's hat off or her with a crazy look on her face.
Charli helped open gifts when she wasn't to busy running after the other kids. I just love the picture below of her. She may not be much of a cowgirl (yet) but her heart is totally set on being one.
Bryar received his first pair of cowboy boots and lots of other great items that we really needed for the Fall and Winter to come!
We had a huge parenting fail moment and let Bryar eat way to much cake to where he ended up throwing up for probably a solid two minutes. It should of clued into us that he was getting enough when he was shoving it in with both hands. Boy, did he love it though.
Do I need to say anything about this picture? Except, uhm arranged marriage please! Ha!
"I love you Bryar. You are cute. I love when you smile at me. I love how you have dimples. Love, Sissy" - Melt my heart. She thought of this on her own and I just love that she thought about his dimples to write. I knew that Charli Beth would be a great big sister, but never did I imagine that she would be this wonderful and loving to Bryar. I am so blessed.
This is just some of the great pictures from Bryar's party that my Mom was able to send to me. I honestly did not take a single picture of the party and was to busy living in the moment of things. I have realized over time that it is very important to do this as well as possibly sign someone to be the party photographer. Thankfully, instead of just asking both my Mom and MIL take Charge in doing so. Without their help and the help of others I would never be able to have such wonderful parties for my kiddos. I truly know that it is not all about the party and decor but about celebrating the blessing of life that God has gave to us. I look back on his birthday and not only think about how perfect every detail was but how perfect each moment of celebrating Bryar is. Thank you to everyone who helped us in the process.
As always my Mother and MIL were an absolute blessing during this party. I had a difficult time picking our party theme because I knew that Cowboys were completely out of the question. I feel as if our family has wore out them Cowboy/Cowgirl themes lately. So I started thinking that I should look around on Facebook at any recent parties and see if someone may have extra supplies. (Smart idea, if I must say so myself!) And thankfully, I saw that the sweetest girl had a farm animal party which just so happened to be one of my "final options" for his party. She had extra supplies and decor left over from her son's first birthday and was willing to let me buy it! This is the best way to budget for a party or to sale your left over supplies for extra cash when it is over! There is a website called "my party is over" where people do this. Although, in the past I have had best luck with my facebook account or blog sales.
I wanted to have banner for all of the photographs from Bryar's months but the wind was just to much to hang several pictures with clips. So we reused the stand from our wedding and my Mom brought this adorable frame with chicken wire.
The party favors were purchased from Mighty Dollar and we also used items from a previous party to cut down on expenses! The buckets and books did come from Mighty Dollar and after lots of searching I found the piggy books there for the smaller kids, in which I just included apple sauce! I always worry about giving the babies to big of items for them to get use of out of.
The center pieces were SO easy to take care of - the cloth was from some Muslin that my MIL had, and tractors were toys from when my Husband was a child. The hay bales were purchased from Hobby Lobby on sale!
We also had a "photo booth" for people to write messages to Bryar on. The message above pertains to the chalkboard message in the last photograph. It is an on going cop vs. firefighter thing with our friends from Sunday School. They are all so funny :)
We tried to do a couple of family photos throughout the day but mainly they ended up with Bryar trying to pull Charli's hat off or her with a crazy look on her face.
Charli helped open gifts when she wasn't to busy running after the other kids. I just love the picture below of her. She may not be much of a cowgirl (yet) but her heart is totally set on being one.
Bryar received his first pair of cowboy boots and lots of other great items that we really needed for the Fall and Winter to come!
We had a huge parenting fail moment and let Bryar eat way to much cake to where he ended up throwing up for probably a solid two minutes. It should of clued into us that he was getting enough when he was shoving it in with both hands. Boy, did he love it though.
This is our sweet friends Marshall and Lisa!
They are one of the sweetest couples that we know and are the only ones to have ever watched Bryar other than family members.
My sister Ashley with her family
Cousin Aylee & Aunt Nicki
Do I need to say anything about this picture? Except, uhm arranged marriage please! Ha!
Gosh they are to cute for words!
My sweetest and most dear friend Jessica with her family - John, Levi, Lily, Lane and Layla! She is one of the best Mothers I know as well. I am so glad that her sweet family were able to attend the party. "I love you Bryar. You are cute. I love when you smile at me. I love how you have dimples. Love, Sissy" - Melt my heart. She thought of this on her own and I just love that she thought about his dimples to write. I knew that Charli Beth would be a great big sister, but never did I imagine that she would be this wonderful and loving to Bryar. I am so blessed.
This is just some of the great pictures from Bryar's party that my Mom was able to send to me. I honestly did not take a single picture of the party and was to busy living in the moment of things. I have realized over time that it is very important to do this as well as possibly sign someone to be the party photographer. Thankfully, instead of just asking both my Mom and MIL take Charge in doing so. Without their help and the help of others I would never be able to have such wonderful parties for my kiddos. I truly know that it is not all about the party and decor but about celebrating the blessing of life that God has gave to us. I look back on his birthday and not only think about how perfect every detail was but how perfect each moment of celebrating Bryar is. Thank you to everyone who helped us in the process.

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