I really thought that my blog was pretty much only being read by my wonderful Mother and Mrs. Ivana Clay (just because she's from the ville), and a few others. But I was very surprised to be tagged out of nowhere by
CathyJean! So here I am ...playing the game =)
Here are the rules:
Rule #1 ~ Link to the person that tagged you.
Rule #2 ~ Post the rules on your Blog.
Rule #3 ~ Write 6 random things about yourself.
Rule #4 ~ Tag 6 people at the end of your post.
Rule #5 ~ Let each person know that they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their Blog. Rule #6 ~ Let the tagger know your entry is up.
#1: I do not like the rain. It's cold and rainy outside, and all it does for me, is make me want to sleep! I have never enjoyed the rain...well, except for playing it in OF COURSE!
#2: I love pineapples. I wish that I could have fresh pineapple for breakfast EVERY morning. Just fruit in general is something my little one and I have always loved.
#3: I love old quilts. My Mom and I have been collecting them for years now. She trys to steal mine all the time. But she doesn't know whenever Charli and I move out, they'll be going with us *hehehe*
#4: I wish I could cook! lol. Wait....I wish I could cook like Rachel Ray and my Mother. They are both Amazing...and I just love Rach's show!
#5: I work everyday this week. Including Thanksgiving. The life of a 911 dispatcher...
#6: My favorite gift in the past year has been my old store building door, that has been made into a table..then transformed into my computer desk. I sincerely thank the person that gave me this door. I cannot wait to make it a table in my own home!!
Now, This is who I have tagged!
Annie @
Cookies, Choas, & Conversations.--love the name of her blog, and her last post made me laugh, you should all go read it!
Kaycee @
Life as a Mom at 21--her blog is as cute as her two little princess girlies.
Ivana @
Babies, Big sister, and Bumps in the Road!-My local blogger, that I just adore. Any lady that has twins and a two year that isnt insane, is AMAZING! lol. It's funny though that I havent ever even met Ivana and we live in the same very small town!
Audrey @
Little Booger Bows!
--What Mommy of a girl does not love bows. Plus this girl, is a total sweetie! She doesn't live to far from us either!
Wendy @
The cozy yellow house where friends gather...--very cute!
Backwoods Country Primitives--her blog is so cute with all the prims. Not to mention the new pics of her sons truck, LOVE IT!
This was hard work, but I hope you dolls have fun!