Warning: Picture Overload
We've had the most wonderful Christmas this year with Charli Beth. She is at the perfect age to get extremely excited about Santa and all of the gifts that she received. I loved watching her eyes light up as she started to realize what a present was.
I have to admit that I was very stressed over this Christmas and worried about "if" Charli was going to be happy with what I was able to get her. But God has provided us more loving family members (and...my boyfriend & his family) than I could of ever asked for. Not that this is what
Christmas is all about, but every parent worries about this during the Holiday season.
We had Christmas with Mark's parents on Wednesday since his Dad, Mom and him all had to work on Christmas (the fun part of being firefighters and a nurse) It is very easy to tell that Charli Beth is going to be spoiled by them!
She was so excited!!
Mark's Mom had a Western Kentucky cheer leading outfit made for her! So adorable!Christmas Eve, we spent the day with Mark and the rest of my family. Charli and I tried baking sugar cookies for Santa but to honest if Santa would of ate our cookies, he wouldn't have made it to the rest of the houses to drop off toys (no joke...they were that bad). Not to mention I burnt my thumb and threw the cookies pan across the floor, along with the cookies. Our gingerbread man, stocking, Christmas tree became mush. Thank goodness my dear sister was brave enough to take a few big bites out of them that night for Santa.

I actually had to wake Charli the next morning to come see what was left for her under the tree. She was so excited to get her Barbies that she knew she had asked for. She kept saying "This is what I told him I wanted!" Such a cute moment. Later that day she told me that she thought that Santa was trying to trick her with the Barbies because she thought she was only get a bag of rocks?! I wonder who told her
I have to admit that I love this super hero cape probably more than her.
I've been trying to get her to wear it everywhere!
So precious
Aunt Peggy, Charli Beth, and baby doll Hallie (or Hoolie..idk)I hope that all of you had the most wonderful Christmas weekend!