Sunday, June 9, 2013

Guest Post: Jamie

Hello everyone!  I'm Jamie from Jamie's Journey Through Life!  I am very excited to be guest posting for Paige today!  If you haven't seen it go check out Paige's guest post that was on my blog 2 weeks ago!  Before I start I want to give a little bio on myself :)

I am a 17 1/2 year old recent high school graduate!  I am working at a local daycare and love it!  In the fall I will be attending college perusing an Elementary Education degree!  

When I got asked to guest blog, I thought what did I want to write about.  As I thought about it I decided to do it about something with kids.  You see kids are very close to my heart and i figured since Paige is a mother that kids would be a very relatable post!  

So that lead me to this post, Things I've learned from working at a daycare! 

Just know that this is all my opinions before we begin!

  1. You WILL be attached to the kids.  No if ands or buts, it's true.  They will become your whole world and you will love them all.

  2. You will run into many different kids at the daycare with different backgrounds.  Some will be the oldest, some will be the youngest, some will be foster child, some will have parents together, ect.

  3. The kids love shaving cream.  Don't ask me why but they love it!

  4. Some kids will get jealous of your attention on others.  They will throw fits to get attention if they fill like you don't play/be with them.

  5. You will deal with tantrums  tears, missing mommy & daddys, screaming, throwing, not getting along, ect.

  6. Everyday is a new day, you never know what to expect!

  7. At the end of the day, you will love the kids and enjoy every crazy hair pulling moment no matter what :)

I hope you all enjoyed this post & I want to give a big thanks to Paige for letting me guest post for you all day! :)

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Story of Mommy

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I am a sinner saved by the grace of God. A wife to the 5oh, and Mother to Charli Beth and Bryar. This is my story of Motherhood, life experiences and sometimes even my overwhelming heart all typed out. I believe in second chances, yet the firm hand of parenting. That sweet tea is of the comfort food category. Chickens belong in every backyard. Children should each have a responsibility of their own while helping take care of duties in the home. Sports are a must for our family, and we spend many nights on courts or fields. We consistently feel new to each of the experiences that are brought into our lives. But we are always excited for the journey in which God has given us.

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