Thursday, September 4, 2008

a good mommy and a young adult, is it possible?

So, I am starting or trying to plan for my 21st b-day weekend (which is FINALLY next weekend). And I have all the sudden started to have second thoughts on going. I'm not sure why but I always seem to start feeling guilty for going out. Most people wouldnt, or maybe they would? I have no idea. I'm not a mother that can leave my child all the time to run around. Heck I never do. The only times I have left her lately is WORK, WORK, and a bit of extra sleep today because I feel almost overwhelmed from WORK. lol. And i even felt guilt for this. Just like the title says can you honestly be young and be a good mom? I would hope so. Although in others eyes when they see you out and actually trying to have "you" time they think that your ditching your child. I'm not saying this all the time running around thing, like so many young parents do. Because that isnt right in my eyes what-so-ever. Who am I to judge though? I honestly believe that I am a good parent to Charli Beth. But whenever I decided to grow up over night and become the mommy I am today. I left the being young part far behind. Maybe thats the reason that whenever I do go out with friends for an's so kind of "blah." Since I have totally forgot how to act? haha. Then again, I hate feeling old. I have even stopped talking to and broke up with guys for acting so "old" but then I cant even act young? I plan to have one of the best nights ever with friends and tuck the guilt away for a little bit to have fun. It was just a question that I have been asking myself all day though.. So if you read this...give me your opionions on it.

if you would like to join me in living up my 21st, just let me know ;o) haha*

1 comment:

Ivana Clay said...

I know it is easy to feel guilty about it. But don't worry. Having a fun night out will be good and in the long run make you a happier, better mommy cause you got a break! I know for me it makes a huge difference in my attitude with the kids after I even get to just go to run errands alone for a change. So party it up girl! You are only 21 once! :)

Story of Mommy

My photo
I am a sinner saved by the grace of God. A wife to the 5oh, and Mother to Charli Beth and Bryar. This is my story of Motherhood, life experiences and sometimes even my overwhelming heart all typed out. I believe in second chances, yet the firm hand of parenting. That sweet tea is of the comfort food category. Chickens belong in every backyard. Children should each have a responsibility of their own while helping take care of duties in the home. Sports are a must for our family, and we spend many nights on courts or fields. We consistently feel new to each of the experiences that are brought into our lives. But we are always excited for the journey in which God has given us.

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