Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Sunday, March 28, 2010
2. Any of the cards or stationery from this seller. She is truly incredible. I ordered these baby shower invites for my friend Nikki and they were so adorable. I've always just won a giveaway for her blog! yay!

2. Knot dresses, I t-totally dispise pillow case dresses but these little numbers are so cute and precious! Not to mention you could just slip a long sleeve shirt under them for the fall or early spring!

Via Sarahrose3's shop
3.I would soo be ordering this for my little superhero if they had any girl shirts left.
I am also thinking about having a giveaway in honor of Miss Priss' 4th birthday! I will give ya'll more info on it this week!

Thursday, March 25, 2010
John Deere
If you remember back last year from the "duck massacre" Charli Beth has the John Deere gator that she rides around in the yard all the time and her little bike is getting way to small for her. I had planned to not buy Charli a "big" gift for her birthday, because we seriously do not have the room anymore. That was until we stopped by TSC today to get Maggy a new line and to check out the ducks and we seen this....

Cute, huh?! Regular price was 129.99 (I think) and it was on sale for $79.99! After Charli spotted it, she immediately started asking if we could take it home and give it a try. I had her to try it out by sitting on the seat and seeing if she was tall enough. She fit perfectly! I called Mark and asked him to go look at it to see what he thought. While he was there, some random person told him to have the price checked on it because they thought it was on sale even more for the day or something. So we ended up getting it for $49.99!! Yay! She will be so excited to get her new big girl bike!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Preschool advice needed

At this moment I plan to send Charli to a Christian Academy for Preschool only, and then switch her over to the county school system for many reasons. The first being that I would not be able to afford Charli going to a "private" school for that long and the second is a social aspect.
None of Charli's little friends are attending this school because, well to be honest it seems that they want to follow everyone else. But that is not me, I do my own thing and pick what I think is best. {Not to offend anyone if they read this; which is doubtful that they will.}
Who my child is friends with at this age does not matter to me, I want her to be friends with everyone and experience as much as she can. If that makes sense?
Charli Beth has never attended a public daycare or learning center, whenever she was in a daycare it was in a home of someone who I thought we could trust. Turns out that they flipped us for a twirl and we were very stunned.
Anyways, I love the fact that at this academy Charli will be a smaller crowd and possibly have some "one on one" learning experiences. Which I think is wonderful. You can pick your child's schedule or what days they will be attending and they also let you do fundraisers to help you pay for their tuition. Which will be sooo very helpful for me since I am relying my "tax money" on this. Also, do I mention that it is a christian based school? =) huge plus.
The county school system does offer a preschool and they go 5 days week all day, just like the "big kids" do. Which I personally think is way to much for a 4 year old? They also have two different classes one is a class were parents pay for their kids tuition themselves, and the other is a government funded class. WHOA what the hello! I was just amazed whenever I first learned about this, and frankly, it ticked me off to think that my kids would be separated from the others. I am sure that the school is fabulous and children learn a lot from going there. But to begin with I was not happy with Charli going that much and getting burn out on it before she even enters Kindergarten. The only good thing about this sutaition at all is I could get the goverment funding to help out, but I truly don't think that I can stand with her being seperated just because I cannot pay their price?
If someone knows anything about this or can explain to me why they seperate these two classes please explain. I hate to call the board of education and get all "Durty Durty" with them before Charli Beth is ever in their schools! haha.

Sunday, March 21, 2010
Saturday, March 20, 2010
1 Thessalonians 5:18
--It’s easy to think the grass is always greener in your neighbor’s yard. And perhaps it is. At least the part you can see. But remember…
When you’re weary of fixing another meal and doing dishes yet again, somebody wishes they had food to put on the table.
When you’ve folded and put away a(nother) mountain of laundry, somebody wishes their children had proper coats and hats to wear to school.
When you’re groaning over the highest heating bill yet this year, somebody wishes they weren’t so cold.
When you’re losing sleep and gagging over a child’s stomach bug episode, somebody is praying for a miracle over her child’s hospital bed.
When the exhaustion and nausea of the first trimester are about to do you in, somebody is weeping (yet again) over a negative pregnancy test.
When your headache intensifies over your teen’s college financial paperwork, somebody is visiting the site of her teen’s fatal wreck.
When you wake up to another cloudy, rainy day, somebody is praying for moisture to end a season of drought.
When you pick up your husband’s dirty socks and take out the trash because he forgot, somebody is wishing that for just a moment she didn’t have to do it all alone, all the time.
The next time your situation threatens to steal your joy, try to remember… somebody wants what you have.
Give thanks in all circumstances…1 Thessalonians 5:18 --

Thursday, March 18, 2010
Work it girl, work it..

Hope ya'll have a great Friday!

Saturday, March 13, 2010
Thursday, March 11, 2010
May I introduce you to...

Don't you just l.o.v.e those glasses?
I do!
They remind me of Danny Gokey!
But she says that she is Taylor Swift {you know from the, "You belong with me" video}

Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Top 2 Tuesday

I am always on the look for "cool" baby names and will write them down or do whatever I must do so that I can remember them in the years to come! BTW, I am the girl that totally freaked whenever I found out that someone named their daughter the same thing as Charli Beth and spelt it the same way and all. No I'm not kidding! haha. We live in a very small town, and I don't like names that can be confused, I'm all about unique and sassy! {not that there is another wrong with the other Charli or their family. mmk?} Charli's name is also in honor of my late Papaw Charles.
Have I ever told you all what my full name is? God love my little heart. - Paigeleana Rachelle.
Paigeleana...rhymes with thumblina! You remember that little fairy book/movie from when we were kids. Yea, I dunno. But it's kind of cool that I am probably the only person in the world with this crazy name ;o)
Girly Names-
Charli -- duh! btw some people think that her name is pronounced as Karleigh, nope it is just like the boys name Charlie.
Caroline - middle name
Marley - I can't have a Charli and Marley though! haha
Emerson - I would call her "Emmy Rae" can you get any more country than that?
Although, my next girl's name is a secret =) bahaha! Hint: this person is very famous in blog land!
Boy Names -
Ellis - middle name only
Kessler - I think it's a Whiskey, but it's cool
That is all that I can think of for now! Hope you ladies are having a wonderful week so far!

Monday, March 8, 2010
The good, The BAD, and The ugly.

But I do like her dress.

I disagree, Faith is fabulous..maybe that is what the "F" was for?
Now my uglies..

I pray it was because she was nervous and not because her dress was to tight.
Love her heart.
I watched "Hurt Locker" at work one night with the guys and thought it was pretty good, so yay for her! Oh and she beat out her ex husband for this award {hahahahahaha =) !! }and is also the first woman to receive this honor!

Friday, March 5, 2010
What is LAA?
LAA; Little Angels Attic Sale - is a two dale consignment sale that is held twice a year in
This is my third sale volunteering although I have never consigned there are TONS of parents who do. The wonderful thing about this sale is 30% of all profits go to local charities. Which is an amazing amount of money with each sale. Whenever you volunteer at least a 3 hour shift to LAA, you are able to shop early on Thursday afternoons.
Every sale I spend at least $230! Yes, I know that is a lot of money but I get a lot of clothes for Charli. My game plan for every sale is to big at least two large bags pack them full of things that I can get my hands on, find a corner, go through my selection and make sure there are no stains. I had a lady following me around Thursday night waiting for me to sit down because she liked everything I grabbed and wanted what I didn't. That kinda made me feel like my kid at least has some style. *Woohoo!*