I can already tell who he looks like from this profile photo, although I have been thinking it for a while now.
He measured 2 lbs and 10 oz again this week, but he is so far down that I am sure it is hard to get a good measurement on him. Everyone seems to always be surprised how low that he is, but sadly he reminds me how low he is sitting every single night with having to get up 5-6 times. No, I am not joking. The pressure is zero fun each night, but I cannot even imagine if I had a big baby laying in that area. Bless the hearts of each of you that have given birth to a linebacker.
Dr. G said that he is very confident that we are taking every precaution possible and that there is no way of telling when Bryar will make his arrival. We talked about how long the possiblity of a NICU stay could be if I were to deliever soon or even before 35 weeks. I know and have wrapped my mind around that, but I have lots of faith as well!
Pregnancy Highlights:
Food Food Food has been all that I can practically think about the last few days. I am not sure if it is the bed rest boredem or that I am just simply large and in charge now.
Total Weight Gain: 9 lbs
Baby is still moving like crazzzy and hates whenever I lay to my right side.
Maternity clothes are a must especially pants being that he is so low.
His crib, changing table and rocker are now set up in his room =) yay!
Trying to plan a baby shower is kind of a nightmare with not knowing how things are going to go at this point. But I guess we will plan and then push back to a Sip and See shower if he comes before hand.
We go back to the Dr next week and hopefully we will know a little more after that!
Praying he stays put for a while longer!
hope he stays in there awhile longer. cute profile pic of him & I like his name
Praying for and thinking about you. I have known several people recently who were expected to deliver early and surprisingly carried full term, so hang in there!! :)
Yay for 29 weeks :)
Praying he stays put. Bed rest is a pain in the rear, but it helps! Keep up the good work!
Glad you two made it til 29 weeks but I am hoping and praying that he stays in there for a little while longer. My thoughts are with you lady!
So thankful you've made it to 29 wks. I will continue praying that he stays put a while longer.
So sorry you have to be on bed rest but so thankful he's staying in there longer!!
I'm glad to hear you've made it this far! Praying that he stays in there a little while longer and everything goes smoothly for you!! I can witness to that line backer.. 9lbs 12oz.. ALL natural = NOT fun!! I feel your pain tho. Hang in there girly.
Every day he stays in is great! You take it easy so he hangs in there until 35! I had them check at our u/s appointment to make sure he was still a boy. :) Then I ordered the crib bedding!
I think about fast food all day too, and I don't even have the pregnancy excuse! haha
praising his holy name for him making it sooo far! god bless your heart!
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