Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Women Connect

I have been overly excited about Becky's Women's Connect project since she announced on Facebook it last week. I had this bold idea that I would have my post typed up and ready to publish as soon as she wanted. But I failed because life got in the way. By life, I mean being a Mommy.

I am Paige, and this is my little safe haven of memories where I have been blogging for more than 4 years now.

Since I started blogging my readers have seen the many sides of me. They have experienced my growth, my heartaches, and most of all the love for my family that I am probably not even worthy of. When I first started this blog, I was a single Mom of Charli Beth. We made so many great memories together during our "special" time and I wanted a place to store them, just in case something ever happened to me.

I know that may be a tad morbid sounding. But seriously, you never know life's curve balls.

After a lot of soul searching and late nights on shift at a local police department as a dispatcher, I married the man of my dreams on June 11, 2011. God knew exactly what he was doing when he placed him in my life. He is my best friend (and sometimes my enemy when my girl moods get out of whack.) If you want to read our story you can find it here; It is a good one if I must say so myself.

We welcomed our second child on October 5, 2011. He is the spitting image of his Daddy, and reminds me a lot of his sister most days too. Since welcoming Bryar home I switched from being a dispatcher to a paralegal to now a stay at home Mom/child care provider for 4 other littles.

My days are long and my home can probably be heard from miles away due to the CIO phase that we are going through with Bryar and the little feet running around nonstop.

My Husband Curtis recently adopted Charli Beth, and I have to say that it is one of my top favorite days ever.

I have always wanted to be a STAHM so we are making this happen as close to possible, for now.  I am open to change because like I said above, we never know the roles that the Lord may throw at us later on.

I personally spend way to much time on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram but I love it. But most of all I love my blog more. I love being able to reach out and hopefully inspire the single Mommy's out there.
A few little random facts about me:
- I hate coffee, but love the smell.
-I am dying (yes dying) to visit the state of Montana
-I am PTO secretary for my daughter's school
-I want more babies in the future
-I never paint my finger nails because I worry about color coordination
-I lust over big bows and smocked dresses for Charli
-I have only finished one year of college and hope to go back one day God willing
-I have only had a hand full of nights sleep since Bryar was born
-I wear my heart on my sleeve
-My biggest baby of all is Gunner, my Husband k9 partner
- 25, going on 50 most days
-We live in Kentucky next to my in laws on their farm
-I get overly annoyed at bad driving, lack of sleep, parents that completely suck for the lack of better words, gossip, bad "friends" and days that do not go my way (working on realizing that my days are in God's hands and not my own)
-Comfort food is my favorite - pintos and cornbread, yes ma'am
-We are all about using manners in our family and are really working hard on this.
- I live in comfy clothing; hence my yoga pants and leggings.

So this is me. The good, the bad, and the craziness of Mommy hood.


Unknown said...

Hi twin :) I was a single mama as well but to a little boy. I love the story on how you met. You're babies are precious!

Brian & Ashley said...

This was a fun event!

Story of Mommy

My photo
I am a sinner saved by the grace of God. A wife to the 5oh, and Mother to Charli Beth and Bryar. This is my story of Motherhood, life experiences and sometimes even my overwhelming heart all typed out. I believe in second chances, yet the firm hand of parenting. That sweet tea is of the comfort food category. Chickens belong in every backyard. Children should each have a responsibility of their own while helping take care of duties in the home. Sports are a must for our family, and we spend many nights on courts or fields. We consistently feel new to each of the experiences that are brought into our lives. But we are always excited for the journey in which God has given us.

Email Me!

--If you have any questions or just want to chat, feel free to email me! @ paigeleana@yahoo.com --


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