Pretty much the title of this post can sum up everything that I am about to blog, so if you skip all of the writing and look at the pictures, it's totally understandable!
Friday night CB and 5oh went on their first "date" together. This has been in the planning since the first time that we all went to eat together when Charli poked him on the shoulder and said, "Hey, can me & you go on a date together sometime? Just me and you, not Mom!" It was practically cute and she had been reminding us daily that they were going on date alone.
At first, I was very skeptical and didn't want to push him into doing anything "to early." Yeah, I know what in the world am I talking about, "rushing things" seems to be my middle name lately. But he was all up for it and even bought a booster seat so that she could start riding places with him more often (What a keeper!)
So Friday afternoon, I dropped CB off with him at the bowling alley while I headed to Target and yes I am a horrible Mommy and forgot to get a photo of them before their date. They eventually made their way over to the grocery store to pick up brownie mix and a few other things that we would need that night for our pizza, movie & junk food night. Whenever I called to tell him how long it would be for the pizza was ready, I could hear CB asking for candy in the back ground, the check out register beeping and tons of other people in the background. Before I could even get "25 minutes out," 5oh quickly told me that he was starting to stress and would call me right back. I immediately hung up and busted out laughing, called my Mom and told her that he was having his first Dad moment. haha! He called back a few minutes later calm, cool, and collective!
Whenever they got home we started watching Alpha & Omega, while they finished up their date night by making brownies together. Once again, I was not allowed to help so I stood off to the side and snapped pictures of how hard they working at making the perfect desert.

They were actually really really good! Great job to my loves.
Charli told 5oh that she loved him that night and completely caught us off guard. At first, my heart sank to my feet because I felt like I was slapped in the face from where she was hurt by previous break up. But whenever he turned around with the biggest smile, I had ever seen him give, I knew that her love for him was safe. I then thought I could cry because I had just witnessed the sweetest, most precious thing ever - something I have dreamed about.
On Saturday, we were suppose to head out to Loretto, KY to a rodeo even that he was bullfighting in but I was suddenly hit with the surprise that we were meeting his entire family for lunch before. I was a nervous wreck but thankfully it only lasted a few minutes. Thanks to Charli giving me a speech about how when "she is nervous, she just tries to act normal." His family was super sweet and I was so happy to be able to meet them!

I was walking through the kitchen before we left to meet his family and seen these two standing on the back porch having the biggest conversation. I instantly knew I had to snap a picture of the cuteness!

The cowgirl/cowboy duo.
CB doesn't understand that her cowgirl hat needs to lay on her head and not raised up.
I must admit that I was pretty amazed at this, I had never seen someone take care of bullriders like 5oh and the other guy did. He eventually got hit by a bull while trying to get a rider out of the way and I'm not kidding I almost threw up {If it were possible.} He must love adrenaline rushes because I can just tell you know that my big rear end would
not be out there doing that!

However, I thought Charli B looked pretty darn cute standing up on the rails watching the action take place


Like I said the title of this post pretty much said it all. I cannot wait to have many more of these weekends. Although, I'm pretty sure I may die if I ever see him get hit again.