I think I may be the only one having the amazement of believing that it has already been a year since our county was hit by a devastating tornado, that took 4 of our citizens lives {which included a grandmother and her two year old grandson, and a married couple that was sleeping the night away). This storm injured so many others, that I cannot right now even give you an approx. number. We were not to have anymore "bad weather" from the reports that the more accurate news stations kept showing, so most people in our town went on to bed, my parents did the same. The tornado had a 9 mile path, and took out one complete road and damaged many others. I had just started working for our 911/dispatcher center on January 18th, and this night made me excited (in a sense of adrenaline), scared,and terrified of my calls and years to come.

You will never forget the sound of an officer screaming in the radio for CPR instructions on a two year old little boy, that he had just found in mud. If you heard this, you wouldn't forget it either. I'll never forget the hospital calling my fellow dispatcher to tell us that this boy had passed away & they would now need a death report on him. I still get chills over this night. God Bless these families, and praise God we did not have any more deaths or injuries than we did. The next town over in TN, was not as fortunate as we were, and had 14 deaths, and so many many homes were destroyed. I am very glad that I made the decision of going into work to help out, it taught me more than any other night EVER has.

all pictures are from the link, "
The Allen County tornado page"
I can't believe it has been one year either. We had gone to bed like everyone else, luckily a huge clap of thunder woke us up about one. I was super pregnant with the twins and Jordan, Kyndall and I all hudled up on a twin mattress in our basement. I will never forget that night. I don't think at the time I knew how serious it was. I just thought it was another storm. But looking back now, I see how lucky we were. I can imagine that the things you heard and saw that night will be blazed into your mind forever. You are such a brave person for doing the job you do! Thank you!!!
I remember this all too well~it seems like yesterday.
I will never forget that night...so many sad things happened, so many blessings...God bless all who lost family and others loss.
lighter note;
Oh, then there was this one crazy girl (not calling any names,Paige) that ran through the yard in the midst of the storm and across the road to check on an elderly neighbor...fell in the mud knee deep and got all bruised up - crazy girl..lol - I am proud of you for doing it and going in to work to help with all of the calls,etc.
:-) Momma
I will never forget it either and hard to believe its been a yr.we were SUPER lucky as we live out on holland road it was all around us (close by) and we were fine,nothing touched.we took a drive within a few days after and saw all the damage.alyssa to be so young she knows something bad happened and she talked about it for awhile.i hope it doesnt happen again.
Thanks for this post, a humbling reminder of how much we need our God.
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