We had wonderful weekend full of food, family, and ...lots of rain! On Saturday Mom, Charli Beth and I headed out to Jackson's Orchard for their "Peach Festival." I've always been a fruit lover, and once I seen that they were having this, I just knew that we had to go! There is nothing better than a fresh peach and fried peach pies (not the healthiest snack in the world but oh so good.)

I love love love this place. Isn't it so beautiful?
I wish I would of taken more pictures of their house, flowers, pond, and orchard for you all to see.

Some of the apple trees.

Yes, I did steal Charli Beth's ice cream (just so it wouldn't melt!), but I think she's going to eat my elbow because of it! This pictures is so funny to me!
After leaving Jackson's we had to make a quick Walmart run, and thankfully it wasn't as bad as you would think for last minute cookout items. Later on that afternoon we had a cookout with the entire family, and Charli Beth finally got to experince her first "real" sparkler.

Soon after this picture Charli girl had the worst fireworks experince, ever. I seriously think that my girl will never like them or anything loud again. As you can tell in the picture we are all gathered under the carport due to the rain and stormy weather. Char's Pa thought it would be a great idea to shoot a bottle rocket off the end of the porch towards the open field. Well....it worked at first by shooting out like it was suppose too. Then, it shoot out of the back in the middle of the entire family, including Charli. Thankfully her Aunt Nicki was close enough to grab her and run inside as the rest of us are running, jumping and screaming to get away from it while it was going off. Gladly, no one was hurt badly, we only had a slight burn to cousin Drew's foot and scared Charli to crying, throwing up, crying more, and throwing up again. She thought that her Pa was on fire and smoking. It was the sadest thing. I ended up having to take her home right after this. Hopefully by next year she will have forgot the entire event and it wont be raining so that our little redneck family won't be trying to shoot off fireworks in some crazy way just so Charli can see them!

Oh my goodness girl! I'm so glad everyone is alright. I have to admit though, I'm scared to death of fireworks... even sparklers. I just watch from the window or stay on the porch and make everyone shoot them awayyyyy from the house.
Poor Charli! I'm glad no one got hurt bad! Sorry your 4th didn't go so well cause of the rain! Hope you have a great week!
Poor thing!! I'm glad everyone was ok! I bet she will forget about it by next year. Hopefully, anyway! :0)
Haha, I love the icecream picture!
I am also glad everyone is ok. I have been offline for a bit and then just not on blogging so I have not read your recent blogs. Hope all is well!
Oh gosh! Poor Charli! I sure do hope that she isn't terrified of fireworks for the rest of her life. I probably would be if something like that happened to me! Glad she didn't get hurt though!
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