My sweet husband sent me these beautiful flowers on my first day wishing me well and thanking me for being a "wonderful wife & mommy." It really made me day extra special!
I really enjoy the people that I am now working with and even though it is a lot to still learn I am excited to be there!
I am really also loving the hours, occasioanl lunches with my Hubby or my Mom and holidays off already!
Ah, I can really get use to this =)
How sweet of your husband to send you flowers! Glad you're on a better schedule and enjoying things.
What a blessing that you're enjoying your new job, that makes it so much easier!
Yah for your new job and sweet husbands that send flowers to work:) I am sure you are enjoying your new hours and I can't wait to hear more about it!
Congrats on the new job!!
Congrats on the new job! I am loving your new blog design!
Gorgeous flowers!! So sweet of him!
I hope your new job is going well!
Hey Paige :)
I'm behind commenting but I'm so happy your new job is going well and you like your coworkers! Plus you get holidays off and lunch dates. Extra bonus! What a sweet husband to get flowers.. Awe :)
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