Dear Bryar,
My sweet boy, I cannot believe that today you are already turning 4 months old. It seems like yesterday that your Daddy was rushing us to the hospital because we knew that your arrival would only take a short time. You are the most laid back baby and love just watching other kids or babies that are near you.

You are still nursing every chance that you get but are having bottles at the baby sitter. You are taking 4.5 ounces every 3 to 3.5 hours. Although, this next week I think we will start moving you up a little more and see how you tolerate it! We still get up at least once a night, if not more to nurse but typically it is just enough for you to fall back to sleep then you are good.
Having you diaper changed is one of your most favorite moments of the day! You smile, kick, and "coo" the most while getting cleaned up. I cannot wait to get you on video to show off to everyone. It is so stinking precious to see your little eyes glow and your precious smile shine! It makes my day every single time. But it melts my heart the most whenever you smile at your big sister Charli Beth. She tries to make you laugh so many times, and I am pretty sure the first time that you smiled at her, she had tears in her eyes too. She loves you so much little buddy.

I cannot wait to see what other milestones that you accomplish this month! I am really shooting for you to giggle soon! I can only imagine how precious that will be!
I love you Bryar Wayne, and even if you make my nights a little longer with lack of sleep you make my entire world even more brighter just with being my son.
"You'll be his first kiss, his first love, his first friend. You are his Mommy and he is your whole world."
Happy 4 months Bryar!! He is so cute!! I can't wait for my little Hudson to get here!!
I love that quote at the end, so true!!!!
So precious, I love his sweet smile!
So sweet! Can't believe our baby boys are getting so big!
He is SO cute. Some pics I think he looks just like his daddy and others he's your mini-me!
happy 4 months, cutie pie! I love watching you grow!!!
He looks like a mini CB!!! They are both too cute!! You and your hubby make some pretty cute babies, so I hope you will have another one within the next few years!
Happy 4 months!!
Happy 4 months, little man!
I love his sweet smile!
Happy 4 MONTHS!!
It's going too fast and he's so stinkin cute. I love at the end of the post, first kiss.. Precious!
Hope you're getting a little more sleep now girl. Sorry I'm so behind commenting.
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