So my little Bryar man has this deal where he will
not smile, what-so-ever. He just sits looking at us with his eyes
huge like we are the craziest people ever
(and spit up all over my face when I hold him above me.) It is so funny to watch him make his eyes bigger and bigger at us, while breathing really fast - which is his way of letting us know he is excited, I assume. Although, I know in no time he will be smiling, giggling, rolling over, crawling, walking...and the list goes on. But for now, I will let my little man look all tough and be intimidating with his hands made into little fists.
I'm pretty sure that Chuck Norris would even be scared of this little tough guy ;)
He is so adorable. You guys will have so much fun at Christmas this year.
aww, smile or no smile he's still adorable!!! love the Chuck Norris caption. LOL
He is too adorable! I always wonder what babies are thinking before they're able to make facial expressions. I'm sure my child wonders how she got stuck with such a crazy momma, ha. Hope y'all have a wonder Christmas! ~Andrea
He is so cute!!!
oh my word! how cute is that? I love how serious he looks! And he really does look menacing! :) Merry Christmas to your sweet family!!
I love these pictures but I can't help but giggle a little bit at him. His eyes are so big like he is really watching something. He is adorable! Oh and his skin looks so smooth. Anyway, he is a doll!
haha he sure has big eyes :) So cute little tough man!
He is too cute even with out the smiles!
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