Big news:
Charli Beth starts her new Sunday School class this coming Sunday! She says it's because she knows how to read books so she needs to go with the bigger kids now. I'm not sure where she comes up with her silly ideas =) But I'm so glad that she does, because I've never laugh so much here lately. Three's are hard work but an rewarding & funny age also!
Prayer list:
*Cute, adorable little Evan is having surgery today. Please say a prayer for him (or a zillion), he has had a tough beginning since coming into the world so very early (3 months early I believe; correct me if I'm wrong Evan's Mommy). I came across their blog through Kelly's Korner on the "Show us where you live Fridays" nursery addition. (Which BTW, I loved looking at almost all of these rooms. Some of these cute rooms just blew my mind at how adorable & amazing they are!)
*We've had a death of a 20 year old male in our county today, which was very unsuspected and unsure the cause of. Please say a prayer for this family, this is the only son and grandson this family had. I know the family has had a couple of other tragedies lately, along with illnesses.
My opinions:
Jon & Kate + 8 really getting on my nerves. I've never watched the show more than a couple of times. At first the family amazed me, now I wish they would concentrate on what is important in life, and not on the fame and fortune. This is what reality t.v. does though. I don't believe that either of them is the only one to blame for the mess of a life they are living. I do feel awfully sorry for all 8 kiddos that are going through this. Divorce is tough, I'm certain that divorce plus paparazzi is even harder (if that is what indeed this is leading to, or is it just for the rating like everything else?) ....yes, please feel free to give me your scoop on this too.
Have you all heard the news coverage about the abortion doctor that was killed in his church today? How ironic. He was also an usher for this church....No, I'm not joking. Click the blue, it'll take you yahoo's cover on the story. This story is wrong in so many ways.
Oh, and Adam Lambert is wayyy over rated. Not a fan what-so-ever, and no it is not because he is "gay". There I said it on blog world. Woo hoo! I'm not sure why so many gay activist are saying that he didn't win because of him being homosexual. That is his life, yes I believe it is wrong but not only could I personally not understand anything he sings (example Live w/ Kelly & Regis, it sounded like mumbles) the guy-liner is so nasty. I may be the only one still hearing coverage and seeing Facebook topics about this but I have never blogged about it since Kris won. So congrats to him! Although, my heart still belongs to Danny =)
We have a great family friend that has a monogramming business in the next town over, called "Little Britches." She does an amazing job. She has made all of Charli's Birthday shirts, or whatever else we need...wait...I was meaning to say what we want done.
We have a great family friend that has a monogramming business in the next town over, called "Little Britches." She does an amazing job. She has made all of Charli's Birthday shirts, or whatever else we need...wait...I was meaning to say what we want done.
This outfit is precious! Char got it for her 2nd birthday, and is just now able to wear it. It's simply adorable with both pants, or just even as a dress!

If you followed my blog in the fall, I'm sure you realized this was my favorite shirt at the time. I wish that she could still wear this adorable shirt, it fits her sassy personality oh so well.

This burp cloth isn't from Little Britches, but it's the first monogram item she had besides her pottery barn diaper bag. The cloth also came with a cap and bloomers, we wore these items OUT. Since Charli was a preemie I kept the cap on her 24/7 because I was so scared of her getting cold. Now I look back and I wish I would of shown off her little fuzzy head =)
Also, if you look closely you will see in that picture that her nose is "smashed" in from her being in the birth canal for so long. It was the first thing that Dr. Dobson told me whenever she was welcomed in the world his words were "Well whoops, little baby has a smashed nose. Oh well, that'll pop back out!" haha. This is also the Dr. that stopped in the middle of me pushing and bowed his head to pray. This is the kind of doctors & men that we need more of this world.
Love all of the monogrammed stuff, I love it! Brody has a few things, I would erally go crazt with a girl! haha Prayers to those families!!
Thanks so much for the prayer request! I love ya, and don't even know you! hehe
We brought Evan down to the or this am at 7:30, jst packing up the room to move to the PICU later today.
Love the monogramming, we would be in serious trouble if Evan was a girl!!! I have bught some of his E shirts on etsy, I will add the link to my blog soon. Thanks again!
Charli Beth has got such cute little monogrammed things. I love all stuff monogrammed!
I have to comment on the abortion doctor. I saw a clip of him speaking that what he was doing was morally right and there was nothing wrong with it yet he was an usher for his church? Um.. yea!
I can't wait to see all the pictures from over the weekend. It sounds like she had a great time!
Also, I will definitely say a prayer for little Evan today!
Im pretty sure we share the same braim most of the time, haha. Jon and Kate amazed me at first, even more so when I was watching their show and one of the girls was singing 'I could sing of Your love forever". That's just NOT the case anymore!! And it's too bad. And Adam, dont even get me started on him. Haha, people amaze me with the things they decide to focus on... Anyways..Have a good day! I'll update my blog sometime today! haha
omg those sunglasses are adorable!! I just love her!
She is so sassy, Paige! I LOVE that shirt.
I love Kelly's blog too, it's awesome!
I need an embroidery machine so I can embroider all of my items, too expensive though. :(
I can't stand Jon & Kate Plus 8 anymore, I got sick of her attitude. She's sooo mean.
Who passed away here? I never heard anything about it.
Hope you're having a great day!
Your daughter is beautiful! Thanks for commenting on my blog, I always like to find people who have a similar story.
I totally agree with you on Jon and Kate! I never watched it until recently, I went back and caught a few really old episodes before I saw the newest one. Well, I don't plan on watching any more, it's just too sad to watch a family crumble before your eyes. That's my two cents, haha!
Ok I thought at first that shop you were talking about "Little Britches" was the other way around,lol, I was about to say. I had to look twice. But this is so precious Paige! Oh and the Jon & Kate thing, I think they need God in there life if you ask me! Nothings going to hold a marriage together, than the good lord above! Trust me! :) Have a great day!
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